Kedves Gyakorlók,
a szomszédban, Szlovákiában egy izgalmas elvonulás lesz hamarosan, aminek programját közzétesszük.
Ha valakit érdekel, szívesen segítünk összehangolni a kiutazást.
We would like to invite you to the course of yantrayoga with 3rd level
instructor Honza Dolenský, which will take place from 16.11. to 18.11. in
Wangdenling. The course will be focused on deepening of the 1st series of
yantrayoga ( tsigjong, lungsang and tsandul and on the 1st and 2nd series
of yantras with their respective pranayamas) also with the help of some
variations of yantras of the first and second group (for training and
developing). The goal of this course is also a deeper experience of relaxed
and full breathing and with that also deeper experience of kumbhaka.
Friday 16.11.
19:00 – 21:00 introduction and first thun of yantra
Saturday 17.11.
9:00 sang
10:00 – 12:30 first thun of yantra
12:30 – 15:00 lunch break
15:00 – 18:00 second thun of yantra
19:00 ganapuja
Nedeľa 18.11.
9:00 sang
10:00 – 12:30 first thun of yantra
12:30 – 14:30 lunch break
14:30 – 17:00 second thun of yantra and the end of the course
Wangdenling, Španie, Nová Bošáca, GPS: 48°52’12.8″N 17°49’04.3″E
Amount of your financial contribution is up to you, the estimated expenses
are 40 euro per person, this sum does not include meals and contribution
for ganapuja.
Meals: 3 euros for lunch only and 6 euro for all meals. (Please let us know
which meals you would like to have in the registration).
Registration – please register at the following link:
Registration will be closed on 12.11. Please register before this date!
Karmayoga: We need especially someone who would cook. Please volunteer!
If you have any questions, please direct them to:
We are looking forward to see you, in the name of gakyil Andrej (blue).